Inspiring Young Hearts with the Kingdom of God – A Comic Adventure for Kids 3+

Our Story

A long time ago (not so long though), an inspiration was birthed to share GOD’s good news of the Kingdom to the world. It began with sharing weekly comics on our social media platform – Instagram to be precise – then it gain some traction. 

The inspiration grew and became a burden, an in-depth desire to share the gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus commanded us to do before he ascended.

There have been different means of propagating the gospel since the first disciples, and in this day, we believe the art platform is a genuine place to reach out to lost souls, win them over and encourage even those who are in the kingdom through this medium. This is our story!

Go Therefore and make disciples of all nations .... teaching them to observe all things I have commanded you
- Jesus Christ

The Parable of The Sower

This beautifully written and illustrated book helps children understand how God’s Word is like a seed in their hearts. With simple storytelling, easy lessons, and practical actions, kids will learn how to grow in faith and live for God.

Help your little ones become good soil for God’s Kingdom!

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